Take your first step and contact us now to discuss how we may assist you for a free no obligation chat.
Email Lindsay or phone 021 222 5546
- Unless specific alternative arrangements are made, payment in full is to be made within 7 days of date of invoice.
- In the event of payment not being made by the due date, interest may be charged from the 1st of the month following at a rate not exceeding 2.5% per month or part thereof.
- In the event of payment not being made by the due date we may take such steps as we consider necessary to recover outstanding amounts.
- All costs involved in such recovery including but not limited to Debt Collection fees, Court fees and Solicitor’s fee shall be paid by the customer.
- Legal and beneficial ownership of all goods supplied remains with us until payment is made in full.
- We may register a security interest on the PPSR (Personal Property Security Register) against the goods for which unpaid accounts remain.